About us

  1. In 1973, the production of compressed yeast was launched on the basis of the former Baku-Pastry factory.
  2. Since May 1997, "Azər Maya" has continued its activity as a fully privatized enterprise.
  3. In 2012, major repairs were carried out, the general infrastructure and part of the equipment of the enterprise were updated.

Production and quality

Yeast is a group of single-celled organisms that is obtained by purifying the saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast cells are round or oval in shape and vary in size from 2-3 μm to 20-50 μm. 1 gram of wet yeast contains about 10 billion cells. There are about 600 known types of yeast. Of these, only Vefasi is of commercial importance. The yeast used in bread production is Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In the production of wet press yeast, which is the tradi...

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6 May, 2022
"Azər Maya" ISO 22000 sertifikatını yenilədi
“Azər Maya” alman təşkilatı ilə əməkdaşlıq qurub
5 Okt, 2021
“Azər Maya” alman təşkilatı ilə əməkdaşlıq qurub
Təcrübə proqramı
29 İyun, 2021
Təcrübə proqramı